Get Ready To Beat The Winter Blues

Get Ready To Beat The Winter Blues

Get Ready To Beat The Winter Blues

Can you believe 2023 is here and it started out with a bang! The weather was brutally cold in Atlanta and we did all we could to stay warm. After the holidays there is almost always a slump when the Christmas tree and lights come down and all the festivities are over. We start working out, setting goals and coming up with our word for the New Year. Well here we are three weeks in and now we are feeling it, ok what’s next? Can I stick with this diet plan? Does this word really mean anything to me now? Are these goals realistic? January can give you the winter blues if you’re not careful, but if you change your perspective you can turn it around.

I want to share a few tips with you to get you through these winter months with ease and joy:

Spiritual Connection-Your relationship with God is the first thing you should consider to shift your mindset. Those feelings of depression, anxiety, doubt or discouragement as you release it to God you will begin to feel the heaviness lift. Matthew 6:33 NLT says Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.


2. Organize Yourself-After taking down the Christmas tree and lights now is a good time to declutter your home. Grab your containers, storage bins, drawer organizers and baskets and get to work. Get rid of anything that you have not used in a while. Pack up and give to charity any clothing, toys, books, furniture and linens that you know you will not use. Not only your home but also your car, and your finances. Clutter will cause anxiety to increase when you feel your life is out of control.

3. Getting Outside-Sunlight is one of the greatest elements to lifting your Spirit. There’s something about opening your blinds and seeing the sunlight that immediately changes your perspective. Take a walk outside even if it is cold. A few minutes of fresh air daily will elevate your mood. Cold weather forces your body to work harder, as the heart works harder to pump the blood around the body the invigorating workout strengthens the heart.

4. Exercise-There are so many benefits to working out, to begin with it is a mood enhancer. Just getting in 60 minutes a day will make a difference in decreasing the winter blues. Working out improves your circulation, boosts your immune system and also energizes you. I love the fact that now the new trend is working out in the privacy of your own home, it’s good to know you don’t have to spend money on expensive gym memberships.

Work Out From Home

5. Socialization-During the winter months people are more likely to stay indoors due to the cold weather and shorter days. Isolation has become a way of life during the pandemic. Connecting with friends is a mood elevator, it brings us pleasure, it helps us to stay active and gives us a sense of wellbeing. Make a connection with friends you haven’t seen for a while and encourage one another. Plan a monthly lunch gathering.

6. Eat Healthy-During the winter months look for a variety of foods that can keep you healthy and well nourished. These include fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, lean proteins, high fiber, low carbohydrate, nuts and seeds. Fermented foods that nourish the gut are important such as sauerkraut, kimchi, plain yogurt and kefir to improve your gut microbiome. Fluids are important due to dry indoor heating that can cause your throat, nose,and skin to feel parched. Choose water, herbal teas, soups and fresh fruit to contribute to your hydration.

7. Skin-Your skin is the largest organ of the body and one area that can be damaged easily if not cared for properly. This time of year is the most critical time with the cold temperature and low humidity, it can draw moisture away from the skin. This leads to dull dry, cracked, itchy skin. Our skin needs to be exfoliated, hydrated, nourished and protected at all times. Exfoliation to remove dead skin, hydrated to add moisture to the body, nourishing moisturizer and also a protectant to seal in the moisture. Don’t forget about your lips, your hands and your entire body.  

Develop a Skin Care Routine

8. Sleep-It is essential to get enough sleep for optimum energy, immunity, cognitive ability and for physical strength. Getting enough sleep helps to slow down the aging process and reduce risk of illness and disease, from the common cold to heart disease. Your body heals itself while you sleep from repairing tissues, regulating hormones and regulating emotions. Make it a habit, create a night routine that you can follow. Turn off all electronics at a certain hour, turn down the lights and create an atmosphere for sleep. Pay attention to how well you sleep each week. How many hours did you get? It’s not just how long you sleep but the quality of sleep. Relax your mind while in bed to allow yourself to enter the REM cycle. Without deep sleep your body cannot heal itself and you will feel the effects of sleep deprivation which in turn will cause anxiety and depression to resurface.

Taking care of your health is a priority as we begin the new year. Think about the health appointments that you need to make in 2023, start planning ahead so that you are on top of living your best. 

A few appointment to consider are: 

  • Mammogram-(Women)

  • Pap Smear (Women)    

  • Yearly Physical and Lab Work

  • Dental Cleaning

  • Prostate Exam-(Men) (Lab Work PSA) & (Digital)

  • Colonoscopy (Every 5-10 Years)

  • Bone Density (Women) 

  • Yearly Eye Exam

Start the year off right by getting your life in alignment with God who is the light. Wherever he is there is light. 

“Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly.” -Isaiah 58:8

“ The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”-John 1:5

“The morning star rises in your hearts.” 2 Peter 1:19

Believe That God Will Turn Those Blues Into Light.

References: Health line

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