Discovering Joy In The Simple Things-Holiday Edition

Discovering Joy In The Simple Things-Holiday Edition

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives finding joy in simple health focused activities can be a game-changer for our overall well-being. Today we will explore the beauty of incorporating easy, yet effective habits into our routine that not only promote health but also bring genuine happiness. 

As you embrace the holiday season, make it a point of really being present with your loved ones. Enjoy your family activities. Make an effort to catch up with those that are on your heart to spend time with, as well as those that are in need. Open your eyes and really see the people you love.

Our lives are not our own. We were created for more than just being present for ourselves and our family. Seek God to discover everything that he desires for you to do to be a blessing to others. 

Everyday that you care for yourself and embrace wellness is another day that you are available to continue the work that God sent you here to do. How do you discover the simple joys  of life? 

  1. Morning Rituals: Start your day with purpose by incorporating mindful morning rituals. Whether it's a refreshing glass of water with lemon,  a few minutes of stretching,  or a nourishing breakfast these simple habits set a positive tone for the day ahead.

  2.  The Power Of Nature Walks: Take a step outside and immerse yourself in the healing power of nature.  A brisk walk in the park or quiet stroll through greenery helps to support physical health but also provides mental clarity and a sense of calm.

  3. Mindful Eating: Savor the flavors and appreciate the nourishment your meals provide. By practicing mindful eating,  you not only make better food choices but also cultivate a deeper connection with the act of nourishing your body.

4. Hydration Happiness: Discover the joy of staying hydrated.  Infuse your water with refreshing fruits, keep a reusable bottle by your side and notice the impact that proper hydration has on your energy levels and overall well-being.

5. Gratitude Journaling: Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for.  Maintain a gratitude journal in order to shift your focus toward a positive mindset that will strengthen your mental and emotional health.

6. Unplug and Recharge: In a world dominated by screens, find joy and unplugging.  dedicate time to activities that don't involve electronic devices- read a book,  play games, engage in a hobby,  or simply enjoy a quiet moment of reflection.

7. Quality Sleep Rituals: Make sleeping a priority,  it is a crucial component of your health routine.  Creating a calming bedtime ritual, dim the lights,  and ensure your sleep environment promotes restfulness for a rejuvenated morning. 

8. Family and Social Interaction: During the holiday season many times  we find ourselves isolating from the people that we love and care about due to sadness. How do you navigate through the holidays when you have experienced sickness, death, and even life transitions? We were created to be connected,  God did not send us into the world to be alone. Jesus chose disciples to walk alongside him even though he could have handled everything alone. If you are alone, ask God to send people that will support and embrace you in this season. He already knows what you need before you ask.

Matthew 6: 31-33 NLT  says: So don't worry about these things,  saying what will we eat? What will we drink?  What will we wear?

V32- These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly father already knows all your needs. 

V33-Seek The kingdom of God above all else and live righteously,  and he will give you everything you need.

9. Creating New Traditions: During the holiday season take time to create new joy-filled traditions, something you've never done that will leave a mark for years to come. Traditions leave lasting memories. 

 10. Give Back or Volunteer: There is joy in helping others, giving of your Time, Talent and Tithe to put a smile on someone’s face is the ultimate gift.

Joy in health-focused activities doesn't have to come from grand gestures;  it often thrives in the simplicity of daily habits. By infusing your routine with mindful practices and intentional choices,  you can discover a sense of well-being that shines from within. During this holiday season embrace the simple things and let the joy of a health focused lifestyle transform not only you but those connected to you. 

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