Think about what you really need to do to jumpstart your health.

What three things do you need to eliminate that you are doing now? I want to help you reach your goals, get in tune with your body, create a healthy mindset, get excited about moving, focus on eating to live, and loving the beautiful creation that you are.


How I Help!

From 1-time coaching to ongoing programs, I can help you THRIVE in your best life! Let’s work on your next 3 changes together and energize your results!

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Let’s connect for a few minutes so I can hear your heart, get to know you a bit and see if we’re a fit!

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Read more about my powerful health transformation and grab helpful tips and encouragement on how YOU can make these simple changes, too!

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Thrive Community

Read success stories and experiences from others in the Thrive Community - see why this is the place to be supported for YOUR healthy living journey!


We concentrate on self care, believing that as we focus on taking care of our health and building on our relationship with God, He will bring about favorable change in our health.

— Coach Brenda


From the Blog…


Find Out How I Did It!

To see more of my story, and for helpful tips on how you can make your next 3 changes for lasting health and truly THRIVE in your life, read more on my blog!