You were created to Thrive.


Hi, I’m Brenda!

I am delighted that you chose to join me on a journey that will create lasting change in your life.

With over 40 years in the wellness arena and 7 years of coaching experience, I am committed to helping you THRIVE in your health. My goal is to bring awareness to the importance of focusing on living a healthy lifestyle to obtain optimal health.

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For years I have struggled with my own weight, trying different diets fighting a never ending battle with my weight. Because of my own struggle with my weight I am inspired to help you on your journey to break the habits that sabotage your success. I realize that as we age it is important to take care of our bodies to maintain stability and strength.

Self-care is essential to living in optimal health mind, body and spirit. When you take time to care for your needs you are better able to do the things that you enjoy. Join me on this journey, take the leap and Thrive.

In creating a program called “Grace Life Mastery” I encourage you to develop healthy habits that will empower you to walk in total wellness.

A few areas that I address through the process are: 1. Setting the Foundation Of Nutrition 2. Mindset and Behavior Change 3. Exercise and Fitness 4. Habit Change 5. Meal Planning & Preparation

When you practice incorporating these 5 areas in your daily life you will see the transformation that takes place as you become more focused on eating to live, moving to build a stronger body, and changing your mindset to believe that optimal health is possible!

A native of Kenosha, Wisconsin Now residing in Atlanta, Georgia 31 years, I am blessed to be married to the most amazing man ever, Mr. Edward Kelley. I am the mother of four beautiful children, one son in-law and two beautiful granddaughters.


Brenda’s Transformation


Brenda’s Beautiful Family!