Navigating and Embracing Change

Navigating and Embracing Change

I’m thinking about aging and what it represents in my life.  Embracing the fact that I will be 62 years old in 2 months is unbelievable to me. When we spend our days wondering what aging will look like from year to year sometimes depression, fear and isolation can settle in and grip our soul.

Enjoying the little things that God has blessed you with can help you to get through difficult times in life. It was 4 years ago today my eldest son Timothy passed away with sickle cell disease at 39 years old, I am writing this blog in honor of him. As I sit here typing, I hear the chimes outside my window reminding me of how blessed I am. Whenever the chimes ring I know he’s saying hello Mom, you see he never missed a holiday, birthday, anniversary, or special event. Getting back to the little things, I remember when he passed praying as I felt myself slipping into depression, it was during Covid and I was blessed to be off for 8 months. I heard a voice say to me Timothy’s assignment is finished, your’s is not. I thanked God for choosing me to be his Mother and allowing me to guide him through those 39 years. What a blessing to be chosen. When you stop and think about the little things God has brought you through and allowed you to experience in life, instead of getting angry ask yourself what is the lesson in this?

James 1:2-4 says Dear brothers and sisters, when trouble of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

Over these 4 years I have learned so much about myself, my relationship with God, and the blessing that I have been given, my beautiful family. In the days when I caught myself falling back into sadness I heard God tell me that I still have people that need me. He said “Your assignment is not complete.”

When I heard that it totally changed my perspective and I began to look for the opportunities he had right in front of me. Going through grief may not be your challenge it may be illness, divorce, estrangement  from a family member or depression feeling stuck. I am here to tell you there is nothing God cannot heal in your life. The scripture that I stand on is Isaiah 41:10 NLT that says  Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. What an encouragement this scripture has been to me. 

So how was I able to get up and get moving again, I literally had to shake myself to start living again. I was determined that I was not going to give up! I learned that we all have an assignment while we are here, it’s bigger than us! One of my assignments is to use my gift of music to bring healing in this world. When you think of all the gifts that you’ve been given, they are not for you to cherish and say “I’m talented!” God wants us to sprinkle his goodness all around to bless others. In order for you to navigate through life’s challenges and embrace change here are a few steps:

1. Adopt a Growth Mindset: Embrace the idea that you can continue to grow and learn at any age. Viewing challenges and changes as opportunities for personal growth can help shift your perspective and make the transition smoother. Engage in new hobbies, take up courses, or learn new skills to keep your mind active and open to change. Get out of your own head and follow Romans 12:2 that says Be not conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. It takes a daily commitment to think differently, and seek God for wisdom.

2. Build a Strong Support Network: Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who encourage and inspire you. Sharing your experiences, fears, and successes with friends, family, or support groups can provide emotional support and valuable insights. During my early years of grieving I decided to join a wonderful support group called griefshare that walked me through the process. Connecting with others who are also navigating midlife changes can also create a sense of community and shared understanding. We need one another.

3. Prioritize Self-Care and Well-being: Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, mindfulness practices, and adequate rest are essential for maintaining overall well-being. Practicing self-care can boost your resilience and help you manage stress, making it easier to adapt to new circumstances and embrace change with a positive outlook.

As I look back over my life and I am reminded of where I started, I know that it takes a willingness to allow God to be priority in your life. When you seek him over everything else you will get through any obstacle that comes your way.

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