Give Thanks Without Sabotaging Your Health Plan

How can we make Thanksgiving a celebration of gratitude without derailing our health and fitness goals? What mindful choices and strategies can help us enjoy the holiday without guilt? 

Thanksgiving is a time when families gather to give thanks for the harvest and blessings of the past year. It’s often observed by gathering with family and friends for a special meal, which typically includes turkey, stuffing or dressing, and various side dishes and desserts. Many of us take time to reflect on the things we are thankful for in our lives. A time for gratitude and expressing appreciation for the people and things that bring joy and meaning to our lives.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time but with it comes the big meal and leftovers for the next few days after. As you prepare for Thanksgiving I would like for you to consider what you want the holiday to look like.

As you think about November and practicing gratitude, really look around and consider what you have to be grateful for this year. Look for someone who is alone this season and invite them over to be a part of your family gathering. Ask yourself how I can bless someone else. 

Let’s talk about the importance of balancing thankfulness and health. Balancing thankfulness and your health is crucial to your overall well-being. Cultivating gratitude positively influences your mental health, reduces stress and enhances emotional resilience. Secondly, your physical health, regular exercise balanced nutrition and rest all contribute to a perfect balance. The synergy between gratitude and health creates a harmonious life. Finally, acknowledging and appreciating what you have while taking care of your health fosters balance and a fulfilling lifestyle.

The small things that you do daily will help you to establish a routine, making it easier to prioritize your health. Secondly, small actions accumulate over time, leading to gradual improvements. Thirdly, it helps form sustainable habits that become ingrained in your lifestyle. Fourthly, consistency promotes mental well-being by giving you a sense of accomplishment. Lastly, these small actions contribute to long-term outcomes, emphasizing the importance of sustained effort.

Let’s start by establishing healthy eating habits as we head into the holiday season, a few tips to start would be: 

1. Start Gradually: Make small sustainable changes to your diet rather than implementing drastic measures. 

2. Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues, ask yourself am I really hungry or am I just bored? When eating, eat slowly and savor each bite to prevent yourself from overeating. 

3. Listen To Your Body: Pay attention to how different foods make you feel. Adjust your diet based on what energizes and nourishes you.

4. Regular Meals: Stick to regular meal times to regulate your metabolism and prevent excessive snacking.

5. Limit Processed Foods: Reduce your intake of processed and sugary foods. Opt for whole, natural foods that provide essential nutrients.

6. Hydration: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and help control hunger, as dehydration can sometimes be mistaken for hunger. 

7. Balanced Meals: Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains in your meals for a well-rounded diet. 

8. Meal Planning: Plan your meals in advance to avoid impulsive unhealthy food choices especially during the holiday season. This helps you to stick to a nutritious eating routine.

9. Portion Control: This is the big one during the holidays. Make a decision about what you're going to eat and how much you will put on your plate.  Be mindful of your portion sizes to prevent consuming excess calories. Use smaller plates to help control portions visually. 

10. Physical Activity:  Combine healthy eating with regular exercise to enhance overall well-being and support your health goals.

Remember that forming healthy habits is a journey that comes with time, be patient with yourself and celebrate the little progress you make. 

Discovering Joy In The Simple Things-Holiday Edition

Discovering Joy In The Simple Things-Holiday Edition

Give Thanks Without Sabotaging Your Health Plan

Give Thanks Without Sabotaging Your Health Plan