What Is Your Body Telling You?

What Is Your Body Telling You?

How have you been feeling lately? Are you experiencing changes that you are ignoring? Many times our pain starts out as a whisper and gradually if ignored becomes a roar until finally we pay attention. Most people are so focused on what they have to do in their day to day life that they ignore the signs. Many times we have pushed our bodies to the point of exhaustion and now we are forced to face it.

Pay Attention To The Signs

What may need adjustment sometimes is a lifestyle change, your diet, more sleep, decrease stress, exercise and possibly something as simple as exercise daily. Learning to put yourself first, making a decision that you are more important than the stress of a job, difficult relationships and poor habits will allow you to live a healthier and more balanced life.

Putting yourself first is not being selfish, It says that I can pour in when I am full. There is an overflow for others when you are well.

As we get older and experience aches and pain we automatically think it’s routine to feel this way, that I will feel better when I lay down for a while. Knowing the signs of any changes in your body is key to detecting a serious problem early on.  One practice that I developed in my family is the importance of letting someone know in the family when you are not feeling well, even if it’s minor to you other members can tell when  something different is going on.

One of the most important factors to know what’s going on in your body is being aware of your numbers. I always say “Your Numbers Tell The Story.” One of the first things that your physician does during a routine physical is to get your lab work to determine your health status. 

There are a few things that you can do to optimize your health:

Create A Health Plan For The Year

What is your goal for the year concerning your health? Your eating plan, workout plan will you journal your success and failures? Make a weekly note of how you’re doing, what you’re eating and add new goals. This is your plan add as much or as little as you want. How much water are you drinking? When do you workout? How long? When is your rest day? Plan a time to pray and meditate, add your scriptures and thought to your plan.

Hydration- water regulates your body function. Make hydrating yourself a priority daily.


  • It helps to maintain a steady body temperature

  • Lubricates the joints

  • Moistens your mucus membranes in the eyes, nose and mouth

  •  Improves the skin 

  • Helps to curb cravings

  • It lubricates and cushions the spine

  • Helps carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells

  • Helps maintain steady body temperature

  • Balances fluids

Rest-Your body may even be telling you that you are in need of rest, slowing down to take time for yourself can totally turn things around in your health. Focusing on 7-8 hours of sleep daily is beneficial to:

  • The Immune System to prevent illness, chronic fatigue breaks down the bodies immune system

  • Cardiovascular Health to decrease risk of Hypertension, Strokes, Heart Disease and Diabetes

  • Reduces Stress and improves your mood

  • Clears your thoughts

Movement is important for strengthening the body  the benefits are:

  • Relieves Stress

  • Allows you to take a break from everyday challenges

  • Helps Emotions

  • Strengthens the body

  • Improves blood flow

  • Strengthens the heart muscles

Be Intentional About Your Workouts

Nutrition-Do you eat when you’re hungry, unhappy or bored?  Ask yourself why am I eating? Pay attention to the foods that you are craving, are you craving sugary foods or breads? Know that cravings come from hormonal imbalance, high stress and poor gut health. How do you feel after eating? Are you stuffed, bloated, irritable, anxious, brain fog or food intolerances? If so, take inventory of what you consumed and monitor for symptoms. A suggestion would be to start the day with a smoothie as a meal replacement. Adding Protein-Fat-Fiber. Fruits, vegetables, chia seeds, flax seeds, avocado, and coconut oil makes for a delicious smoothie. Incorporate Lemon water daily to your regime, this primes the body in the morning. Warm water is better. Use ¼ Lemon to 8 oz of water. 

Seek Spiritual Guidance- On your health journey, seek guidance from the Lord and trust that he will guide you every step of the way. Don’t allow distractions to throw you off course. Isaiah 41:13 says "For I the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” The Spiritual part is “Big” because when you listen for his voice concerning your health you will begin to see change take place. Know that along the way you may make an error from time to time but grace is always available to you. Make the correction and keep moving. 

Supplements-What supplements does your body need? We should use our food as a source of getting our vitamins as much as we can, but when you can’t consider these supplements:

  • Vitamin D3-Most of us need this one because we don’t get enough sun. It’s a good idea to have your level checked on your next physical. Your body cannot fight disease properly with low vitamin D levels. 

  • Vitamin C-Our body needs vitamin C to fight off daily attacks of bacteria, viruses and other invaders. Vitamin C comes in powder, chewables, and capsules.

  • Probiotic-Is for gut health. Helping your body to maintain a healthy community of microorganisms or helping your microorganisms return to a healthy state. Influence your body’s immune response.

  • Collagen, Bone Broth or Veggie Powder-Collagen or bone broth for digestive health and healing, Veggie powder for energy and to get extra nutrients if you are not getting enough in your food.

  • Magnesium-Most people need more magnesium, it helps with body pain, headaches, migraines,  leg and muscle cramps, and increases energy. It can be taken topically or orally. The magnesium works with vitamin D for better absorption.

Dedicate Your Life To Living Well

Dedicate Your Life To Living Well

So the bottom line is that Supplements Matter, they are a powerful partner on your health journey. You are building a Foundation of Wellness, when you incorporate these principles in your health you will begin to see change take place not only in your body, but in your mindset, your habits and cravings. Are you ready to pay closer attention to what’s going on in your body? Making simple moves daily, you are not required to do it all in one day, take one brick at a time to build a strong foundation of wellness.

A Firm Foundation Can Be Established

References: Weight Loss Pathway Guide (Supplements)-Fresh Start Coach Bess Blanco Founder

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