Boost Your Immune System

Boost Your Immune System

We are approaching the winter season where colds and flu are on the the rise. What will you do to keep your family healthy and protected from the invasion of bacteria. and viruses? The key is to Build Yourself Up, be prepared for the unexpected. During the holidays you will be traveling, visiting family and attending holiday parties so start now taking the necessary steps to protect yourself and those you love.

Here’s my tips on how to do it:

  1. Get Your Sleep-The goal is to get 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Make plans to create a night routine, turning off electronic and setting a time to turn in. Journaling your day is a good thing to do at night, also using lavender essential oils, and listening to relaxing music sets the tone to rest. You definitely want to get to the REM stage of sleep so releasing all the stress of the day is important.

  2. Hydration-It is vital that you get enough water in daily, I won’t give you a number but I will say make sure that you if you can’t drink plain water incorporate lemon water int your plan. The benefits of lemon water are endless to name a few it boosts your immune system, regulates blood pressure, aids in digestion, improves the health of your skin and cleanses the liver.

  3. Eat Whole Foods-Foods rich in Vitamin C are lemon/limes, oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and kale. Vitamin D rich foods such as eggs, salmon, mushrooms, salmon, mackerel and tuna. Foods rich in Zinc are pumpkin seeds, grass fed beef, lamb, cashews, and chickpeas. Try to refrain from junk food and sugary foods to decrease inflammation and allow the body to heal.

  4. Get Active-Getting out for fresh air even in the winter months can be refreshing. Working out promotes a healthy blood flow to the body.

  5. Supplements-Vitamin D 3,000-4,000 IU daily, it is also good to check with your physician to have a Vitamin D level done on your next physical. Take a good Multivitamin with B vitamins, Vitamin C and Zinc to promote healing.

  6. Bone Broth-The nutrients in bone broth maintain a balanced bacterial environment in the GI system. reduces inflammation, enhances hair and skin.

  7. Turmeric- An anti inflammatory, liver and digestive health, improves heart function.

    Good hand washing-Making sure that you are washing your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds when touching surfaces. Pay attention to touching your eyes, nose and mouth these are the ways viruses can enter your body.

    I can’t stress enough the importance of incorporating these tips into your daily routine to make your winter months happy and bright.

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